Ko te putea maroke parewai whakatairanga he mea hanga ki te 500DPVC Mesh Fabric.Ko te whitiki pakihiwi takirua me te hoahoa whakamarumaru pakihiwi ka taea te tiaki pai i to pakihiwi, te whitiki o te pouaka ka taea te whakarite, te whakamarie me te whakahauora, nga taha e rua o te peketua me te kawe ake, he pai ake te kawe.Ka herea te pute ki te hopu-ake kia pai ake ai.He pai nga putea mo te Kayaking, rafting, Shuoxi, hikoi me etahi atu mahi o waho.He putea rokiroki pai hoki mo te hokohoko!Ka whakaratohia e matou he peke peke teitei 20L, ka taea te tuhi LOGO, he momo tae e waatea ana.Mena kei te hiahia koe ki tetahi mea, tena koa whakapiri mai ki a maatau, nau mai ki to waea.
NAMA NO. | LO-0347 |
INGOA ITEM | peke maroke ritenga 20L |
MAUTANGA | 500D PVC Tarpaulin |
RAHI | D24*H60cm, 20L |
MOGO | 1 te tae o te mata i taia 1 te waahi kei roto. |
WHARE TA ME TE RAHI | 12*30cm |
Utu Tauira | 100USD mo ia hoahoa |
LEADTIME | 25ra |
PAKITANGA | 1pc ia peeke PE takitahi |
QTY O KAATA | 25 pcs |
GW | 14 KG |
Waehere HS | 4202129000 |
MOQ | 250 pcs |
He rereke te utu tauira, te wa arahi tauira me te wa arahi i runga i nga tono kua tohua, tohutoro anake.He patai motuhake taau, kei te hiahia koe ki etahi atu korero mo tenei mea, waea mai, imeera mai ranei ki a maatau.